Monday, October 27, 2008

A Vision for Vanderhoof


My name is Graham Stanley and I'm running for councillor in Vanderhoof,BC in the upcoming village election. I'm running to give something back, and to voice an opinion that we should look to the future and provide a legacy for the children.

We all know that change is upon us.

I have been blessed with a job as an economic development practionner to be able to look above the issues of the day and see the opportunities that the current circumstances can bring.

Circumstance "1

Pine Beetle:
Our forests have been ravaged by this plague and have thrown our economy into uncertainty. Coupling this with the decrease in demand for our traditional products and we are faced with challenging times.

Circumstance "2

The Green Factor:
The Green Movement is upon us, through environmental regulation, the new Green Community initiatives and pending regulatory amendments.

From these two circumstances, we are provided with an opportunity, an opportunity to lead instead of follow. To become a model for economic self sufficiency and environmental stewardship.

The Green Movement provides the key.
What I am referring to is the movement to utilize biomass energy and bio based products for daily use, to be more environmentally responsible.

For Vanderhoof the two areas to concentrate on at this time are domestic biomass energy deployment through the utilization of wood pellets. As there is senior government support behind green energy initiatives, Vanderhoof can seize the opportunity and become the centre for production and design of biomass appliances in Western Canada, and beyond. I have had the good fortune of working with local stakeholders in the development of the Progress House Iniitative, to establish a materials testing lab and prototyping centre in Vanderhoof.This would provide us the opportunity to achieve this goal.

The second opportunity may seem far off, but it is the most urgent in my view.
Wood residue can be used to make activated charcoal, and activated charcoal is used in water filtration. Waste water management in my view is one of the emerging industries of the 21st Century.

If we are successful in establishing Progress House, we will have the capabilities to become industry leaders in water treatment through the utilization of some of our wood waste in this manner.

An Economic Brand for Vanderhoof- Green Power and Clean Water

As a councilmember,

I will pursue this economic platform.

In addition,

I will work to support initiatives that bring our seniors and youth together.

These may be in mentorship roles or in gathering our historic legacy.

We need to bring our generations together.

Vote Graham Stanley for Councilmember.